Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hymn Study

We are currently memorizing and singing hymns. I love to sing and can still hear my mama sing. I hope to pass the joy and tradition of singing and praising God to my children. The book we use for our study is titled Hymns For a Kid’s Heart. The book gives a brief history of the songwriter, a devotion, and a Bible memory verse. Sweetness has memorized and sings beautifully all five verses of Amazing Grace. She has learned what Grace is and asks for it when discipline is due. So we have lengthy discussion about love, discipline and grace. Cutie Pie has learned two verses of the song and hits the high notes right on time.

We are now studying America The Beautiful, by Katharine Bates. Katharine was a school teacher who traveled in the 1800’s from Massachusetts to Colorado to teach summer school. The song she wrote is both a praise to God and a prayer to God for America. Her song praises God for His creations as she inspiringly looked upon the beautiful landscapes He created. And she prayed that God would shed His grace upon America. I would like to research the birthplace of Ms. Bates as I’m curious where she was born and what other countries she may have lived.

We had a brief lesson in geography as we mapped out the route Ms. Bates traveled and plan to study more of where the amber waves of grain and the purple mountains are located. It was helpful to recount the video Grandma and Grandpa B showed us of their trip out west.

Studying America the Beautiful has taught us the beauty of descriptive words and new vocabulary. Today we visited our warm spot by the creek where golden grasses grow long and tall in the sunshine and enjoyed a glimpse of the beautiful amber waves that Ms. Bates seen. We looked up into the spectacular cloudless sky and Sweetness was able to better understand the phrase spacious skies as I had to gently correct her this morning when she sang “special skies”.

We are grateful to God for granting us this beautiful country in which to live, and for giving Ms. Bates the words and inspiration to write this song that really magnifies His goodness. Let me not forget to pray for our country and may thankfulness abound in my heart for the mercy and grace God has showered upon this country.

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain;
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood,
From sea to shining sea.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Science and Art

Who needs a science laboratory or an art studio?

Cutie Pie made a butterfly air conditioner w/ paper, string, wood pieces, scissors, tape and pillow stuffing.

"The string that connects the air conditioner to the butterfly is the power cord," explained Cutie Pie.

Sweetness constructed an,

"Indian pouch crammed with stuff for butterfly."

Made from paper, tape, scissors, material and wood pieces.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


School will be cancelled until further notice!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Going on a Train Ride

I had the most interesting dream last night. The children and I went on a train ride! My recollection is a bit foggy, but this is what I remember. I bought tickets, then we boarded the train, chose our seats and Zoooooooooooooommmmmmmm..... we were flying down the tracks at high speed. We were going so fast down a treacherous track full of curves and hills and tunnels with lights flashing. Then I remember we reached our destination, but I was in a hurry to get back and was having a really hard time figuring out how to get back.

I was thinking on that dream today... Just yesterday I was changing our homeschool wall in the kitchen. I took down the poster board that usually hosts the children's art work and assignments for the week. I thought we needed a change and I commenced to putting more staple holes into the wall and hanging up a solar poster we received in our Answers In Genesis magazine. And I also put up a long row of blank paper to begin a timeline (that is another post). So I'm putting even more staple holes in the wall and I remember Treasure Hunter saying, staple holes are easier to cover up with paint than nail holes. And I thought "Some day we will be painting this wall. We will be covering all these staple holes with paint and our homeschool days will be over."

It goes by so fast! Just like that train ride. And then there is the part of me that does not enjoy homeschooling sometimes and those are times when I am fearful. Fearful that I'm not doing everything I should and am messing up or not measuring up. My goodness just the other day I'm driving down the road and fear grips my heart that we could be in an accident. SO I had to quickly flick Satan off my shoulder and say, "NO. God is in control."

So I realize that I must not let fear of teaching my children overcome the joy of our homeschool train ride. When those curves, bumps, tunnels come I will shout for JOY -- GOD YOU ARE IN CONTROL. Our ride may not always be smooth and we may not always like the stops and we may have to work hard to find our way back. But with God as the conductor we are sure to reach our destination. For He will take us where we need to go. Not where he is taking Suzie or Jane, but where he is taking Heartfelt Homeschool.

Romans 8:15 (King James Version)

For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Brotherly Love

This week God has shown me one of the many benefits of home schooling.

The children have been playing so cooperatively together: Music to a mother’s ear. But before I mislead anyone into thinking we’re perfect, let me assure you we have our share of squabbles too.

It was time for Sweetness to have her bath, which she does nearly independently now. Cutie Pie was left all alone and he started pouting and said “I don’t feel right. I feel funny?”

“What’s the matter?” I asked. “Is sister more than one foot away from you?” He truly did miss her and could not wait for her bath to be over!

The dentist office trip was another example of the bond that is growing between the two. We were all snuggled up on the waiting room couch reading books when the hygienist calls Sweetness. She bounced bravely to the dentist chair while Cutie Pie and I remained in the waiting room. He started wiggling and sliding off the couch. Became displeased with the books and insisted on getting another book. Yet none of the other books would do. “Oh when is she ever going to be done mama?”

“What’s the matter, do you miss your sister?” I asked.

“Yes,” said Cutie pie with a big puckered bottom lip. Thank goodness Sweetness sealants only took a few minutes and the two were reunited again.

Then it was Sweetness' turn when Cutie Pie took a very long afternoon nap. “Mom, don’t you think it is time for B to wake up? He has been sleeping a long time.”

“What’s the matter? Do you miss you brother?” I asked.

Thank you God for a husband that works so hard to keep his family at home. Thank you God for the privilege to homeschool and showing us that families were not meant to be ripped apart all day long. And thank you for teaching me how to foster a loving relationship between the children. And thank you for putting love for each other in their hearts. This website cannot contain my thankfulness to you my Lord. You mercy and grace never ceases to amaze me.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

How is Math?

My bestest friend said:

>>Would love to hear more about how that new math is going for you all now that you've had it for a bit. :-) <<

We are enjoying the Critical Thinking Math. It is just the tool I wanted to keep math in front of my children at an informal pace. They're whizzing through the books right now, which pleases me to know that nature's way of learning is at work. What they are learning is more mathematical terms.

On the light side of math (as that is my best side) I must tell you about the conversation that occured over dinner tonight:

Cutie Pie: "I am going to be 5 soon."

Treasure Hunter: "You sure are."

Cutie Pie: "And some day I am going to be two 5's"

Treasure Hunter: "That's right."

Cutie: "Yeah! I'm going to be 55 and older than you daddy."

We BOTH had to gain composure like really quick! Must be the number chart on the wall.