Saturday, December 6, 2008

Before Christmas Vacation!

If I don’t start blogging now there will be way to much catchin’ up to do! My goodness I am sooo behind in cyber world, but life in the real world is more organized than usual. HOWEVER, we’re about to embark on a Christmas vacation, so I best catch up before all the fun begins.

First stop -- 3 weeks ago with G’ma, G’pa B’s, Aunty and Uncle S visit! We had a nice time of fellowship. The men hunted deer and the gals hunted bargains at the thrift store -- my MIL loves to thrift shop! One day we took her for a hike alongside beautiful river view. She loves the outdoors! We even snuck in a day of tea w/ just Grandma the kids and myself. She loves tea. Did I mention that I dearly love my mom n’ law!! She’s such a pleasure to have around! She is an ornament of a quiet and meek spirit! We miss her so much and Cutie Pie asked to call her several times. Instead of asking me to recite her number each time he wanted to call he decided to write it down so he could call her anytime (thank goodness for unlimited long distance). Today they received notes from G’ma and that just made her day!

Next stop -- Thanksgiving. We had a cozy dinner at home! I had made this tradition of making a new recipe each Thanksgiving and well traditions were made to be broken and I broke that one in two! I am a bit challenged when it comes to cooking so preparing a new dish on one of the most festive days of the year was a bad idea. Thank God he hears the prayers of our children as Cutie Pie prayed, “that you would do good in the kitchen, mama!” So everything was hot on the table at one time and I didn’t burn a thing!

Finally -- We had a wonderful good play date with some new friends. We visited the American Frontier Culture Musuem where Bethanie ticked a mattress and squashed cabbage for saurkraut (sp?) We learned how Germany, Ireland, and England brought traditions that shaped the American Frontier. We enjoyed another impromptu playdate when our pino teacher’s mom asked us to stay for cookie baking! There were three families with eight kids and dozens of cookies!

Cutie Pie has begun piano lessons this week! I love watching those little legs dangle below the piano bench as he plays his two finger song!

Today we will make Christmas cards and some tree ornaments!

Well, I reckon that catches me up so I can blog about our Christmas vacation when we return!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that Brennan was taking piano lessons! :)