I insisted the girls bring NO gift with them! So the eldest girl, that I shall call Quick as a Wink, made these awesome penguin sculptures from Sculpey Clay that we baked in the oven and said to Cutie Pie, "Here, this one is for your birthday." That penguin has earned a very special spot in our house : )

Here is an alarm Quick as a Wink made also!

Sweetness made a dog

And aside from stepping on these little beads the next day which drove me to a vacuuming frenzy this craft really keeps hands and heads busy!

I might add that we had a delightful Valentines day as well. The three pink roses are Sweetness' and the red ones are mine.

I leave you with a picture of February 2010! That's my Treasure Hunter! Using what he has and doing the best he can ; )

1 comment:
Looks like a very SWEET birthday party! Smaller parties with close friends are the best, IMO. :D
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