Remember Nine Days? Nine Weeks? Nine Months? And Now 9 YEARS! I know it sounds cliche, but it truly does go by fast and we all know it. Sweetness wanted a BIG birthday party this year with all her new friends from church. Of the 7 little girls invited 4 were able to come today (plus Cutie Pie). We had FUN:
Painting Ponies
Acting like chickens while waiting for pizza
Welcoming Felicity
Sharing Felicity
Eating cake and ice cream
I made a card for Sweetness last night. After everyone left she said, "I loved my card mama. I didn't know I meant so much to you."
"Yes, my sweet girl, you mean more than words can ever say. I just don't tell you often enough how much I love you."
Listen moms and dads! Our kids need to hear us say how special they are to us! And if you want to know how special you are! Just pick up the Bible and read starting with John 3:16
How many more days till Christmas?
1 comment:
What a wonderful, fun party! :-)
Happy Birthday...
Don't you even dare say Christmas! lol
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