Cutie Pie has been waiting for this day since sister lost her first tooth 2 years ago! I love little moments like these!
"Mama, my loose tooth keeps getting in my way."
"Let me have a look. Yep, your permanent tooth is already growing in behind it. Mama can pull that tooth."
"Did Uncle Jack really tie a string to your tooth and the other end to the door knob and slam the door shut?" Cutie Pie asked w/ big wide eyes.
"No, Uncle Jack just use to tease mama. He was actually a very good tooth puller. He pulled all my teeth that I can remember."
"OK mama. I will let you try."
After several attempts and loosening it more, I had to call the neighbor for some orajel. Praise God for lending neighbors.
Meanwhile Sweetness said, "Mama getting me to do math really is like pulling teeth! I can't watch anymore!"
Oh, sigh...
Orajel was applied and taking effect...
"You know" I said matter of factly, "perhaps the tooth fairy is just too busy tonight . . . or maybe you don't believe in the tooth fairy?"
"I believe mama! I believe. I believe the tooth fairy is YOU!" giggle giggle giggle
"OK! Well, so long as you believe. Now hold real still."
YANK! POP! Out it came!
"Is it out? It's out!!!! Sissy, it's out! It came out!" he exclaims running down the stairs.
about 1/2 hour later...
"Mama where do you want me to put this tooth so you can get it easy?" asked Cutie Pie.
"The top of the dresser will work just fine."
Then as I tucked Sweetness in she asks, "Mama, can I stay up and watch you play tooth fairy?"
"Absolutely not! I might be the tooth fairy, but you will NEVER see my wings," I replied as I fluttered out the door.
Next morning!!!
"Mama! Mama! The tooth fairy left me a note and $5!!"
I JUST LOVE SIX! And I miss my dear brother Jack!
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