Sunday, January 4, 2009

Coincidence or Confirmation?

God is doing some mighty good things at Heartfelt!!

Church service today was absolutely astounding. We have just been attending church service, but Sweetness found out there is also a Sunday School and she begged to go! She is so hungry for the Word of God and to be with those who love Him.

The adult class is studying the book of Daniel and guess what the kids are studying!!!!! They are constructing a Bible timeline! Beginning with how did we get the Bible? Then chronologically teaching the major events in the Bible! They are also memorizing the Old Testament books in order. Now call that coincidence if you must, but that is EXACTLY what we are doing in our homeschool. I am just blown away when things like this happen. It confirms in my heart that I am hearing the Lord and following the Holy Spirit's prompting as I pray for direction in our homeschool.

God answers prayers my friends. He really and truly does! Pray for your husband daily, pray for your family daily, pray for direction daily. He will answer your prayers, because HE LOVES YOU more than all the stars in the sky!

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