This is our first year celebrating Hanukah. We have learned a LOT studying the history of Hanukah and preparing for the holiday. We just got our Menorah last week. Cutie Pie was intrigued as he loves anything that does not come in a toy decorated package ; ) I sat the Menorah upon the shelf and said, “This is not a toy.” Well of course it was not a toy which was all the more appealing to Cutie Pie. So he began to cry and asked if I would look on eBay and buy him a “toy” Menorah. Hmmm… seeing how the Menorah was not made of glass I said, “Ok, go on and play with Menorah, if it means that much.”
Cutie Pie thus sang to Menorah, drew pictures w/ Menorah, swung on his indoor swing with Menorah and last but not least I nearly fell out of my chair when he presented Menorah all dressed in sister’s doll clothes! Had I not been taking care of Sweetness, who was recovering from a stomach bug, I would have taken a picture! His Menorah fascination was satisfied and he did not even say “hello” to Menorah the next day.
As much as we learned about Hanukah, there was still more to learn. For instance, the calendar states Hanukah begins on Dec. 22. HOWEVER, the Jewish people begin their days at sunset, so Hanukah really began the evening of Dec. 21. But we had NO candles yet. I was hoping they would arrive in the mail from Israel today Dec. 22. I called a store who stocked them, but they were sold out. So here we were on our very first Hanukah with NO candles.
But God came through for us and just as He supplied the small, one day supply jar of oil and miraculously allowed it to burn for 8 days, he gave Treasure Hunter an awesome idea. Treasure Hunter took all our old candles, melted them down, then he and Sweetness made homemade dipped candles just the right size for the Menorah.
So we were able to light the first candle, say a prayer, and recite John 8:12 together as a family. Sweetness said, “Mama I prayed that God would help us light the Menorah tonight and He did.” Yes, our God can do anything but fail.
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
Happy Hanukah!
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Leave it to Brennan! :)
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