We had a very White Christmas.
Sweetness made a beautiful cake for Jesus this year.
Our plans to go to the beach was cancelled, however we brought some of the beach to our house!
And my sweet hubby bought me a Pfaff sewing machine! Look what I made! It's a tree skirt!
2010 has gotten off to a good start. We’re taking daily walks to the creek! We enjoy walking atop crunchy snow, watching Eve dig and bite at the ice as if she was dying of thirst although water was all around her!
You can still play in the creek when it’s freezing if you dress properly and position yourself just right so you don't fall in! Today I made sure she had on boots instead of her crocs without socks!
Cutie Pie LOVES his sister's coat! For that matter he LOVES everything about her, except when she whistles : /
School is going really well. Sweetness’ lapbook is near completion. She has been reading lots of books about sea shells and writing down what she’s learned. She is illustrating and making booklets from photographs she has taken of her shells. She is also learning about measurements, diameters, etc. She got her HUGE spider conch shell in the mail today.
We are studying about rivers and visiting Germany. Our new read aloud is a bust, so it's back to the online library catalog! However,t Cutie Pie loves the Seven Silly Eaters! It’s an awesome rhyming book about a mama w/ seven kids who are picky eaters. We have a math CD in the mail along with Piano for Quitters DVD!
Well, that's all I have time for now! I am JOYFUL today, and looking forward to tomorrow, because God is faithful!