The leaves are so pretty I can't resist taking pictures.
School is going well. WE have developed a routine that seems to be working most days. We begin with prayer and Bible reading. We are reading through the book of Matthew and memorizing scriptures along the way. The kids have done an amazing job memorizing the Beattitudes. We then continue our cozy couch time while I read aloud to them. Usually a science or geography related picture book. Then the children take turns reading to me. Cutie Pie enjoys reading the Henry and Mudge series by Cynthia Rylant and Sweetness reads a variety of books like the Chincoteague Pony, the 18 Cent Goose, Who Eats What etc...
Then it is tabletime where copywork, phonics, spelling, math, science and geography work is done. We do touch on a little history while visiting different countries in our geography studies. The children's favorite activity is to place the appropriate country flat on their passport and then color a picture of the flag. Canda was easy, there was only one color. I like to tell them what the symbols on the flag represent. We also read missionary stories from these countries and pray for various needs the people have. And do art related projects like leaf rubbings this week.
We have also began walking each morning before school and I feel this exercise gets the brain flowing. We actually don't begin school until after lunch as full tummies and exercised bodies makes a more relaxed subdued child ; ) WE usually finish up just in time to begin dinner. The only other thing we need to get back to is foreign language!
THEN! It's read aloud time in the evening and that is another favorite time. We read Tikta Liktak about an Inuit Indian who had quite an adventure on his search for food during a lean year. Amazing journey!
Well, that is it. Gotta get ready for another day that the Lord has Made! I will rejoice and be glad in it!