Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First SNOW!

"What's the weather going to be like tomorrow?" asked Treasure Hunter.

"It's gonna snow!" I replied.

"Really? How cold is it going to get?" asked Treasure Hunter.

"Freezing!" I said.

"Are you serious?" asked Treasure Hunter

"Yes, honey. Goodnight." I replied.


"You're not going to believe this. There is an inch of snow outside." exclaimed Treasure Hunter.


It is beautiful. Just enough to remind us a good ole fashioned winter is on the way. But before we leave autumn too soon here are this year's fall foilage pictures.







To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?

I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Clearer Vision

I had an eye exam Thursday. My doctor was astonished with my current prescription. Seems his tests show that I am over corrected by a whole point in each eye. “You appear to see things in a distance clearly, but what about up close like while reading a book? Does it seemed blurred?” he asked.

“Yes. As a matter of a fact I thought I needed bifocals.”

“No, you don’t need bifocals just a weaker prescription.”

Sigh… I think this may stem from the fact that I was over medicated on synthroid which made my vision worse at the time of my last exam (about 8-9 years ago). Now that my medication is at a normal level my vision has improved as well. The optometrist did not agree with this analysis. Nevertheless, I am anxious to get my new prescription, because now that I know why I have blurry vision up close I want it corrected.

The Lord has also shown me a lot of areas in my life that are blurred and how satan is ever trying to obscure our vision of the bigger picture that the Lord has. Yesterday I stood in tears and asked forgiveness for my grumblings and complaining. I have NO reasons whatsoever to complain, for I am not hungry, thirsty, naked or in pain.

We went to church this a.m. This is our second visit to our neighbors Independent Baptist Church. The pastor taught on Revelation 7 as part of the church’s study on that book. His teaching was so clear! I was waiting to hear his interpretation of the 144,000 and he nailed it with complete accuracy. The 144,000 are the tribes of Israel -- the Jews -- just as the scripture reads nothing more, nothing less. They are the ones whom God will seal before he pours out his wrath on a Christ rejecting sinful world. These 144,000 will be his witnesses during the tribulation. We serve a God of mercy whom even through the days of judgment and tribulation will not be without a witness of His salvation. The pastor also explained the latter part of the chapter and how these 144,000 along with the souls that are saved, because of their witness, come out of the great tribulation and are given white robes of righteousness. This really helped clear up my vision of these verses. I can hardly wait to go back to hear more next Sunday.

On the way home, Sweetness says, “Mommy, the boys at that church are mean?”

“Oh.” I simply replied waiting for more…

“Yeah, they said they are braver than girls, because they’re not afraid of spiders or snakes.”

“Well, that is true. God did make men to be protector of women. When mommy sees a snake or a big huge cockroach (and we have some HUGE cockroaches in these woods that sometimes find their way into the house) who does mommy call?“

“Daddy.“ she replied.

“Yes and those boys will grow up to be men, husbands and daddy’s to protect their family. So let us thank God for the ones whom are more brave than us. For much that is given, much is required. They have been given the job to protect and that is a HUGE job.”

“Mommy. K didn’t want to sit by me today. She wanted to sit beside of S,” sweetness said with that bottom lip puckering.

“That made you sad?” I asked.


“I know it is hard to share friends. But you share everything so well. God has really given you a heart that shares and He wants you to share friends too. The best way to be a good friend is to share them. If you get jealous or covetous then you’re not being a good friend. But if you show deference and share your friends with a warm heart and smile, then you can be friends to many. So perhaps you can sit next to V or B? And don’t forget your brother is there and he is your bestest friend.”

“Yeah, only B can dit me,” she said with a great big smile.

(ditting is one of the many ways Cutie Pie shows his sissy how much he loves her)

Sometimes we see with tunnel vision. Insisting on our own rights. When the only right we truly own is the God given right to LOVE!

Friday, November 7, 2008

How is School Going?

School is going great!!! First things first is Bible! Let me ask any of you who may visit my blog are you having a hard time getting prayer and Bible time in? Then incorporate that into your homeschool first each day. If you get nothing else done in your day but Bible God will bless the rest of the day. Praying and reading God's Word with your children will bless your socks off!

For Bible we are using:
Character Building for Families by Lee Ann Rubsam
Hurlbut's Story of the Bible by Jesse Lyman Hurlburt
Growing Up Where Jesus Lived (A Beka Book)

We use different translations of the Bible including, KJV NIV and Amplified. The character book has been awesome mainly for ME! If I behave with good character, my kids will follow ; ) We have made positive steps towards contentment, but I am struggling with orderliness!!! The Bible story book is very thorough and not watered down, so I have to skip some parts for my age group. It was so amazing as I found this book at the library and loved it so much, but had to take it back as my 6 weeks were up. I planned to buy our own copy and while on vacation in WV I found a beautiful, like new copy at an antique store for $2!!!!!!!

Sweetness is reading Growing Up Where Jesus Lived. This is an awesome starter book into Hebrew customs and life when and where Jesus grew up. While praying about studying History I feel the Lord leading us to study about Hebrew culture. While doing a search for Biblical Holidays I found an awesome website http://heartofwisdom.com/need.html

Robin Sampson, homeschool mom of 20 years, has a plethora of exciting materials to teach your kids the Bible. After reading a free 70 page excerpt I ordered the Family Guide to Biblical Holidays. Now coincidentally we read a little about the Feast of Tabernacles in our Bible Story just yesterday. Coincidence? Confirmation? Nevertheless, I am excited about our new direction for studying History. (HIS STORY)

I also want to order Robin's book Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach. Our ideas on education seem to match closely. After reading an excerpt from her book, on the history of education, I am convinced that the Hebrew way of education is the best. The first thing the Hebrews did was submerge their children in God's Word. They even had some sort of plate they wrote scriptures upon then slathered it with honey and allowed the children to lick the honey. God's word is SWEET! The Hebrews used a lot of symbolism to help remember God's Wonderful Works!

So what about the rest of school?

Cutie Pie:
Scripture Memorization (Romans 15:4)
Books of the Bible Memorization
Explode the Code Book 1 and Starfall.com for phonics (he is sounding out words everywhere)
Funtastic Frogs for math
Song School of Latin
LOTS of outdoor time ; )

Scripture Memorization (Romans 15:4)
Books of the Bible Memorization
Explode the Code Book 2 for phonics practice and spelling
Math It
Copywork Scripture for handwriting
LOTS of outdoor time : )

We also have some loose ends to tie up on our geometry lapbook and our Rock Study. We just got a new collection of 50 rocks and minerals and I WILL get the rest of that organized and ready to dive into and finish next week. We have only one more booklet to complete for the geometry unit.

Then I think the first Biblical Holiday we will dive into will be Hannukah!!! And of course there are Christmas preparations to tend . . . whew.... I best get off here and get to school!

For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope! Romans 15:4

Monday, November 3, 2008

Mock Thanksgiving

Can we BUILD IT?

We can PAINT IT!


There must have been 15 kids piled up in there at one time!
Here are pictures of a few!

This year's Mock Thanksgiving was such a blessed time with friends and our family. Although a smaller crowd and less excitement (than the real Indian we had last year) it was a blessing to get better acquainted with newcomers in our group. Thank you Lord for all your bountiful blessings.